
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Part 2: Hell's Fury
In this episode Pastor Baker continues his chilling devotion about Hell. The Bible clearing teaches that Hell is a painful place. It is violent, tormenting, and definitely an undesirable place to spend eternity. Are you ready to learn? Can you handle the truth? Join Pastor Baker on this journey through the Scripture and learn the truth about Hell.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes on Tuesday & Thursday.

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Have you ever been quick to snap or go off on someone? Are you ready to take it to the street when you get angry? Are you quick to think the worst about a situation instead of being hopeful? Well then it's time to get a grip and slow ya roll. In this episode Pastor Baker offers solutions to help overcome an impulsive attitude.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes on Tuesday & Thursday.

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Part 1: A Prepared Place
In this episode Pastor Baker starts a discussion about Hell. We see depictions of Hell from Hollywood movies. We hear about Hell in music. But, what does the Bible teach about Hell? Are you ready to learn? Can you handle the truth? Join Pastor Baker on this journey through the Scripture and learn the truth about Hell.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes on Tuesday & Thursday.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
In this episode Pastor Baker talks about taking control of our thoughts. Young people are plagued with so many negative, sexual, and ungodly thoughts throughout the day. Thankfully, God's Word has the solution for us to combat these mental attacks. We don't have to remain depressed, unhappy, or confused if we think the way God's Word instructs.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes weekly.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
In this episode Pastor Baker gives a tool that parents and young people can use when it comes to music. Words are important and they reveal what is in the heart of a person. Learn about a new website that tells exactly how many words an artist has used and what are their most popular words of choice.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes weekly.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
In this episode Pastor Baker talks how and why young people must stand on God's Word.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes weekly.

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
In this episode Pastor Baker talks about some simple ways to get closer to God.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes weekly.

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
In this episode Pastor Baker talks about the importance of knowing God's voice amongst the many voices we hear daily.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com
Subscribe, new episodes weekly.

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
In this episode Pastor Baker talks about the importance of prioritizing and having order in life to avoid confusion, unhappiness, and unfulfillment.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
In this episode Pastor Baker discuss the recent, "F* them kids" comments made by Lil Nas X in his interview on The Breakfast Club.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast at https://jabmin.com